Collagen Myths & Misconceptions
Dr. Marita Schauch, ND

Collagen is one of those buzzwords – often heard, seldom understood. Paging through beauty magazines, we see advertisements for “anti-wrinkle” creams and “serums,” leading us to believe that all we need to do to increase the youth-preserving collagen in our skin is to apply it topically! At the same time, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that Americans spend $11 billion every year on face lifts, Botox injections, and other cosmetic procedures.
Neither creams nor cosmetic procedures do anything to help your body generate health-improving and beauty-supporting collagen. If your body is producing collagen it shows: you will radiate health and vitality at any age. Collagen Myths & Misconceptions debunks myths about collagen “creams,” beauty industry promises, and plastic surgery to show you how and why building and generating collagen is an essential component of true health and beauty.